FOR REGISTERED DIETITIANS in the USA and Canada: How to Join Our RD Directory (a free service)
1. You must be a member of this web site to join. If you are not a member yet, please click the Join link at the top left corner
of the page to become a member. There is no charge to join.
2. After logging in, you will see the RD Directory Control Panel. Click the Create Your Profile Page link.
3. Fill out the RD Directory Profile page.
4. The first time you create and save your profile, it is reviewed by our web site administrators to make sure that you are a Registered Dietitian in the USA or in Canda. Once approved, your profile is made live. You will receive an email to let you know it is live on the site.
5. As a logged member, you'll have the following options available under the Dietitian Directory:
- Find a Dietitian
- Join Dietitian Directory
- Edit Dietitian Directory
- Activity
- Messages
Find a Dietitian--Search for Dietitians in USA and Canada.
Join Dietitian Directory--Add your profile to the Dietitian Directory and make it visible to the public.
Edit Dietitian Directory---Edit your profile on the Dietitian Directory. You can change your photo, logo, address, personal information, etc.
Activity---View the latest statistics regarding your profile. See how many people have clicked your "Visit My Website" link, views to your profile page, how many visited your state or province, and how many people clicked to send you an email.
Messages---View all the email messages that have been sent to you.
View Profile--View profile after editing.
Edit Profile---Update profile.
Make Live / Temporarily Remove From Site---Take profile off site and also display it again by making it active or inactive. The record remains in the database either way.
Email Me Check Box--Enable or Disable the "Email Me" check box displayed with your profile.
Permanently Remove Profile---Deletes your profile record from the database permanently.
If you have any questions or comments, email us at or call us at (631) 392-0612.