Search Results for City (LOS ALTOS)
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Company: New Choice Nutrition
OFFICE 1: 885 N. San Antonio Rd Ste E2, Los Altos, CALIFORNIA 94022
PHONE: 315-420-2029
IN BRIEF: Julita has a diverse background providing wellness, weight management, and medical nutrition therapy counseling in private practice, as well as, the Center for Development Behavior and Genetics at Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse, NY. She specializes in applying the most current, evidence-ba ...
General Nutrition, Wellness,Pediatric Nutrition,Nutrient Analysis,Postpartum Nutrition,Developmental Disorders,Drug-Nutrient Interactions,Celiac Disease, Gluten-Free Diets,Healthy Eating,Heart Disease,Irritable Bowel Syndrome,Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements,Dieting,Food Allergies,Prenatal Nutrition,Childhood Obesity,Menu Planning,Cholesterol Management,Dysphagia,Weight Management,Eating Disorders,Hypertension,GI/Digestive Disorders