From Female Athlete Triad to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
You may have heard of the Female Athlete Triad, but did you know about Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs)? Learn what this new framework is all about and why it's so relevant to people who exercise. Active clients who come to you with multiple seemingly unrelated symptoms may be struggling with REDs. Keep up on the latest research, be empowered to help your clients navigate their fueling needs, and understand what clinical assessment tools are available. Understanding REDs is vital for any dietitian working with athletes and active people.
Upon successful completion of this one-hour course, the participant should be able to:
  • Name signs and symptoms of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport.

  • Identify how to determine if an athlete may be safe to train and compete.

  • Identify clinical assessment tools available to address Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport.

  • Distinguish how REDs and disordered eating can relate to each other.
Live Event Date: Dec 17, 2024
Expiration Date: Jan 02, 2028
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives: 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.4, 9.3.8
Target Audience: RDs, DTRs, Health Professionals
Number of Credits: 1.0
Level(s): 1, 2
Total Cost: 1 Site Credit

About the Presenter: Marisa Michael, MSc, RDN, CSSD
Marisa Michael

Marisa Michael, MSc, RDN, CSSD, is a registered dietitian since 2002 and Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. She has a master's degree in sports nutrition from the University of Stirling and holds the IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition. She also holds numerous fitness certifications. She has published original research in peer-reviewed scientific journals, written numerous articles for athlete publications, and is the author of Nutrition for Climbers: Fuel for the Send. Marisa also serves on the USA Climbing Medical Committee. She owns a private practice in the USA, specializing in sports nutrition and disordered eating.

Other Webinars by this Presenter/Organization:
Intuitive Eating: A Practical Guide for Dietitians

Intuitive Eating: A Practical Guide for Dietitians

On Demand
Live Date: (Feb 06,2025)

Rating: 4.88 out of 5

Instructor: Marisa Michael, MSc, RDN, CSSD

Duration: 1 hours