Search Results for City (OVERLAND PARK)
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Company: Start Fueling Better
OFFICE 1: , 6709 W 119th St
Overland Park, KANSAS 66209
PHONE: 913-735-0116
IN BRIEF: Start Fueling Better with Paige Penick RDN, CLT. Nutrition, self-care, life, relationships, mindful living and eating. Helping people learn how to better fuel their bodies by breaking down the bologna within nutrition, while not wasting their time and money on fad diets and their rules. Specia ...
GI/Digestive Disorders,Food Allergies,Alternative Nutrition,Writing for Online and Print,Weight Management,Public Health,Media Skills, TV, Online, Print,Healthy Eating,General Nutrition, Wellness,Autoimmune Diseases,Public Speaking, Lecturing,Irritable Bowel Syndrome,Education, Teaching, Training