Research studies are the bedrock of evidence-based practice ... but your formal education may have been "thin" in systematically introducing research study designs, or with limited reinforcement, reserach designs may be somewhat dormant in your repertoire of knowledge and skills. In this seminar, both quantitative and qualitative research designs will be examined. Quantitative designs will include experimental designs, such as randomized controlled trials, as well as quasi-experimental designs, such as cohort studies, plus descriptive studies. Qualitative designs, such as thematic analysis, will be included recognizing that qualitative designs often involve interviews or focus groups for data collection. In addition, the more recent mixed method design, which incorporates both quantitative and qualitative studies, will be addressed.
As a result of examining research study designs, you will be better equipped as a crtical consumer of research without shifting into an exclusively research-focused career.
Upon successful completion of this one-hour course, the participant should be able to:
- Relate study designs to evidence-based practice.
- Examine common quantitative research study designs.
- Examine common qualitative research study designs.
- Describe mixed methods research studies.
Live Event Date:
Apr 20, 2023
Expiration Date:
May 31, 2024
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives: 4.1.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2
Target Audience: RDs, DTRs, Health Professionals
Total Cost:
1 Site Credit
About the Presenter: Janet Kolmer Grommet, PhD, RDN, CDCES, FAND
Janet Kolmer Grommet PhD, RDN, CDCES, FAND is a clinical nutritionist with research interests in the effectiveness of nutritional management of chronic diseases, particularly chronic renal disease and diabetes. Concurrently, she has conducted content analysis of clinical nutrition textbooks. Her teaching responsibilities have focused on clinical nutrition and research methods. She has mentored MS thesis and capstone research, dietetic internship research rotations, and both undergraduate and graduate independent studies. She is the former chair of the Dept of Health and Nutrition Sciences at Brooklyn College and is currently an adjunct professor of nutrition at Hunter College, City University of New York. She received her MS and PhD in Human Nutrition at Michigan State University as an NIH trainee and her BS degree from University of Illinois.