Company: CarlynRD
OFFICE 1: CarlynRD,
369 NE Revere St
Bend , OREGON 97701
PHONE: 541 241 6619
Hey there! I'm Carlyn Young, a Registered Dietitian practicing in Bend, OR for the past nine years. You can find my office conveniently located on the corner of 4th and Revere, within Fluid Strength gym. I take pride in being personable and approachable, ensuring that my clients feel comfortable dis ...
Education, Teaching, Training,Pediatric Nutrition,Diabetes, Hypoglycemia,Celiac Disease, Gluten-Free Diets,Recipe Development,Weight Management,Wound Healing,Menu Planning,General Nutrition, Wellness,Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements,Public Speaking, Lecturing,Prenatal Nutrition,Healthy Eating,Nutrient Analysis,Food Service,Renal Nutrition,Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition,Sports Nutrition,Eating Disorders,GI/Digestive Disorders,Irritable Bowel Syndrome,Hypertension,Heart Disease,Postpartum Nutrition,Cholesterol Management,Vegetarianism