EBT On-Demand 6-Hour Training
If you have always wanted to help patients address the root cause of overeating and obesity, but thought the issues were psychological, weight loss drugs have proven to the public what scientists have known for 10 years: the root cause of obesity is
biological. Stress-inducing circuits in the brain activate chronic and reactive secretion of stress chemicals that drive both overeating and weight gain. Emotional Brain Training is a non-invasive, non-drug skill
set that switches off these stress circuits to promote healthy eating and lasting weight loss.
EBT Provider, Shelby Killion, RD, LD, IFNCP
Using the EBT skills makes perfect sense. Stress activates the eight major chemicals that drive overeating and weight gain: cortisol, dopamine, insulin, ghrelin, GLP-1, PYY, leptin, and serotonin. By turning off the stress spigot of these chemicals,
patients have a broad spectrum of biological changes that improve eating, weight, and health. In comparison, weight loss drugs inject only one chemical, which has a side-effect of producing weight loss, but obesity is not caused by a deficiency of GLP-1,
so when the injections stop, the weight loss stops, and the treatment is not natural, so the patient is at risk of side effects. What’s more, the root cause (stress circuitry) has not been rewired, so weight regain and a sense of powerlessness and failure
can occur.
EBT Founder Laurel Mellin, PhD, with over 40 years as a registered dietitian and as a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, developed Emotional Brain Training with a team of neuroscientists at the university to
empower people to switch off and rewire the stress response for immediate and lasting improvements in obesity and other chronic diseases and to promote lives of joy and purpose.
Certified EBT Provider: Debbie Judah, RD, LDN
Although cognitive methods (CBT, mindfulness, acceptance, intuitive eating) have been used traditionally in weight loss, research has shown that without stress-activating circuits, they are not erased, so weight cycling, weight regain and needless suffering
in adhering to dietary plans can follow. Research has shown that cognitive methods do not produce lasting weight loss.
EBT has been shown to be associated with long-term weight loss, making it a natural alternative to weight loss drugs for application by RDNs. The effectiveness of EBT has been demonstrated in studies published in the AND journal, and EBT remains as the
only method that has shown lasting weight loss after treatment ends, an indication of success in addressing the root cause.
To begin, use the Spiral Up! 1-2-3 app before eating.
As an RDN, you can learn how to deliver this method, starting with this one-day course. You’ll come away from it with the skills to explain to patients the brain-based cause of their overeating (“it’s not psychological, it’s biochemical”) and start treating them by using the EBT Brain Map. You will be able to teach them how to use EBT eating to switch off hunger and cravings, and, as they continue their sessions with you, you will be able to use the EBT Wired for Joy Checklist to evaluate their progress in completing the program.
What if you want to become professionally certified in the method, experiencing in-depth personal and professional training? Our next cohort of RDN providers start their remote training in late July. We have training
available to 32 RDNs, who can proceed to certification as an EBT Educator in about three months, and then choose to continue and become an EBT Provider in about nine months.
Although this one-day course is open to all, RDs, RDNs and other licensed or registered health professionals and coaches are eligible to continue this training beyond the first day and become certified in EBT.
Note: This program is a prerequisite for all EBT certification.
Our EBT Training Package for RDNs includes:
- Participation in the one-day course via Zoom to master the science and clinical skills.
- Eligibility for certification training to conduct short- and long-term coaching and group programs based on EBT.
- Membership in the EBT online community for one year (regularly $430).
- Access to webinar recordings of all elements of the one-day training for one year from the live program date.
EBT On-Demand 6-Hour Training
Faculty: Dr. Laurel Mellin is the primary faculty for the course, with contributions from EBT Master Trainers Deanne Hamilton, MS, RD, CSOWN and Robin Anderson, and recently certified provider, Shelby Killion, RD, LD, IFNCP.
Dr. Mellin is a health psychologist, founder of Emotional Brain Training, and a New York Times bestselling author. She has 40 years of experience as a registered dietitian and as a professor at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
Her latest book is 1-2-3 JOY: Easy Natural Weight Loss that is Scientific, Proven, and Fun.
She lives in Marin County California with her husband Walt Rose and has three children.