EPA and DHA Fatty Acids in Vegans and Vegetarians
Long chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are associated with many health benefits that include reduced risk of myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular mortality, depression, dementia, and brain atrophy. EPA and DHA exhibit anti-inflammatory, pro-apoptotic, and anti-tumor effects. Plant foods only contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and do not naturally contain EPA or DHA except for negligible amounts found in seaweed. Research findings showed the endogenous conversion of ALA to EPA to be small, while the conversion to DHA to be virtually nonexistent. As a result, vegans and vegetarians have lower EPA, DHA, and omega-3 index concentrations, compared to pesco- and non-vegetarians. What is the health impact of low EPA and DHA intake and status? How can EPA and DHA intake and status be improved? The goal of this presentation is to address these and other relevant questions.
Upon successful completion of this one-hour course, the participant should be able to:
  • Summarize the health effects of long-chain PUFA.

  • Evaluate intake and status of EPA, DHA, and O3I in vegans and vegetarians from available studies.

  • Discuss the need or lack thereof to improve EPA and DHA intake and status and critically evaluate common recommendations regarding omega-3 PUFA intake and status, and identify misconceptions that some of such recommendations contain.

  • Propose effective ways to improve EPA and DHA intake and status.
Live Event Date: Oct 29, 2024
Expiration Date: Nov 05, 2027
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives: 5.1.1, 7.6.4, 7.4.2
Target Audience: RDs, DTRs, Health Professionals
Number of Credits: 1.0
Level(s): 1, 2
Total Cost: 1 Site Credit

About the Presenter: Roman Pawlak, Ph.D, RD
Roman Pawlak

Professor of Nutrition at East Carolina University. Authored: 'Vitamin B12. Combating the epidemic of deficiency' (published in English and Polish), 'Vegan/vegetarian mother and her baby' (published in English, Polish and Czech), 'I am the LORD who heals you' (published in English, Russian and Japanese), 'Forever young. Secrets of delaying aging and living disease free' (published in English and Polish), 'Healthy diet without secrets' (published in English and Polish), 'In defense of vegetarianism' (published in English and Polish), 'Diabetes. How to prevent it? How to cure it? How to prevent diabetes complications' (published in Polish), 'Diet – facts and myths' (published in Polish). Published in the best American and international nutrition journals, including, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Reviews, American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Lectured in five continents, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.