Clinical Insight Into Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (B12) is essential in making DNA, maintenance and repair of neural axons, synthesis of all new blood cells, and energy production. The deficiency and insufficiency of B12 is widespread in both industrial and developing countries. Several population subgroups are especially high risk of inadequate status, including the elderly, vegetarians, patients who have diabetes and others who use metformin, pregnant women, people with some GI health problems, such as Crohn’s or Celiac disease, those who have undergone stomach or bowel resection, some people who have had a surgery with anesthesia, AIDS patients and others.
Upon successful completion of this two-hour course, the participant should be able to:
  • Summarize recommendations for B12 intake and compare them to evidence-based findings regarding adequate intake.

  • List individuals and groups at risk of inadequate vitamin B12 status.

  • Assess which assessment methods of vitamin B12 are reliable/unreliable.

  • Discuss what role does vitamin B12 play in prevention and treatment of selected health conditions.

  • Overview how to treat vitamin B12 deficiency.
Live Event Date: Dec 07, 2023
Expiration Date: May 31, 2024
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives: 4.2.6, 6.2.3, 6.3.2, 8.3.6
Target Audience: RDs, DTRs, Health Professionals
Number of Credits: 2.0
Level(s): 1, 2
Total Cost: 2 Site Credits

About the Presenter: Roman Pawlak, Ph.D, RD
Roman Pawlak

Professor of Nutrition at East Carolina University. Authored: 'Vitamin B12. Combating the epidemic of deficiency' (published in English and Polish), 'Vegan/vegetarian mother and her baby' (published in English, Polish and Czech), 'I am the LORD who heals you' (published in English, Russian and Japanese), 'Forever young. Secrets of delaying aging and living disease free' (published in English and Polish), 'Healthy diet without secrets' (published in English and Polish), 'In defense of vegetarianism' (published in English and Polish), 'Diabetes. How to prevent it? How to cure it? How to prevent diabetes complications' (published in Polish), 'Diet – facts and myths' (published in Polish). Published in the best American and international nutrition journals, including, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Reviews, American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Lectured in five continents, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Other Webinars by this Presenter/Organization:
EPA and DHA Fatty Acids in Vegans and Vegetarians

EPA and DHA Fatty Acids in Vegans and Vegetarians: Intake, Status, and Health Implications

Live event: Oct 29,2024 - (04:00 PM - 05:00 PM)

Rating: Not Yet Rated

Instructor: Roman Pawlak, Ph.D, RD

Duration: 1 hours